This USAID/Djibouti Report (Oct-Dec 2005) evaluates the necessary conditions for proceeding with decentralization and identifies the best practices and approaches to ensure successful programs. It elaborates structures for capacity building of future local authorities and recommends long-term support strategies to promote good governance and anti-corruption at the local level. In a follow up mission (Mar-Apr 2006), Mr. Kellam provided training to newly elected officials and local administrations in planning, budgeting, anti-corruption and capacity building in harmonization with decentralization laws.
Download report: Decentralization Assessment Report
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For more details: USAID/Djibouti | US Embassy in Djibouti

This USAID/Indonesia Evaluation (H. Kellam/Team Leader, Jan-April 2005) identifies lessons learned and develop recommendations on 2 sustainable decentralized capacity building programs (Planning/Budgeting) for Indonesian local governments implemented by: Building Institutions for Good Governance (BIGG) andPerformance-Oriented Regional Management (PERFORM) that will be continued under the new 5-year (60 Million) Local Government and Support Program (LGSP).
Download report: End of Project Evaluation Final Report
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For more details: PERFORM | BIGG | USAID/Indonesian
 This is the Final Report and Workshop Planning Report for a USAID Fiscal Decentralization Project (Nov 2001 – Nov 2004) in Rwanda where Mr. Kellam was the Chief of Party (CoP). The project provided sustained policy assistance to the government in devolving resources and responsibilities to local units on the design of intergovernmental revenue transfer. The Project had 5 components: Financial Management, Institutional Development and Support, Macro-Fiscal Decentralization, District Services/Solid Waste Management, Market Administration and Anti-Corruption.
Download reports: The CoP’s Final Report | The official USAID Report submitted by ARD, Inc. | The Project Planning Workshop Report
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For more details: USAID/Development Experience Clearinghouse | The Project’s website | USAID/Rwanda
 This is a Final Report and workshop report on the UNDP Constitutional Reform Project (CRP) in the Solomon Islands. Mr. Kellam was the Project Director (2002-03). The CRP followed 3 stages: The socio-economic study involving 4 International Consultants; the team training workshop and ‘broad coverage’ rural Consultations with 9 teams (5/team) throughout the country including a mass media campaign and; the preparation of drafting instructions (2 lawyers and steering committee) for Parliamentary review and subsequent State Constitutional preparation.
Download report: Final Report | Workshop Report
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For more details: Solomon Islands People First | UNDP/Fiji
Mr. Kellam was contracted to update and revise the ‘Annual Impact, Monitoring and Evaluation Systems’ (AIMES) used by Christian Children’s Fund (CCF) National and Project offices for annual reporting to the Headquarters. This is an unofficial and early draft version, which was completed and/or updated in later stages.
Download report: Draft Report
For more details: Christian Children's Fund
Mr. Kellam completed a 15 year Health and Education Development Plan (2003-2017) for the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and four states: Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Yap. It includes the systems and practices for the improved delivery and decentralization of health and education services at the State and Municipal (local) level. It further surveys the physical conditions of all elementary, secondary, tertiary, vocational schools, State hospitals, dispensaries and health centers and provides detailed costing for renovation, expansion and/or new construction.
The overall 15-Year Infrastructure Plan (Nathan & Assoc) is in 4 voluminous reports and can be emailed to interested parties.
Download sample sections: Health | Education
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For more details: FSM Government website
This is a Training Manual (H. Kellam UNDP 2000) for District Planners, Technical Committees, sector ministries and Trainer of Trainers as a means to promote decentralized development. It is meant to assist stakeholders in data analysis and interpretation and how this can be used to prepare development plans including setting of strategies and objectives and develop financial management systems to enable local/lower level governments to plan, coordinate, implement, monitoring, evaluation and carry out revenue collection.
Download report: Training Manual for decentralized development
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For more details: UNDESA | Ministry of Local Government
 This is the Project Planning
Report and a Concept Report Henry Kellam produced for GTZ in Zambia to
strengthen Local Government institutions to build up capacities for improving basic Social Services with special emphasis on health, family care/well-being, education, the rural population, gender, HIV/AIDs, poverty reduction, coordination of water supply, sanitation and health education interventions. The project aimed to empower communities to effectively participate in the process of socio-economic decision making by initiating and coordinating participatory community development mobilization involving all organizations.
Download report: Analysis paper | concept paper
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For more details: GTZ
Maps courtesy of the FCO